5 Steps to a Better Outdoor Entertainment Space

A study last year by the American Institute of Architects showed that as homeowners look to make improvements, outdoor living spaces top the list. To create an outdoor space that you will use even more, technology is a key element. HTA Certified home technology...

8K Home Entertainment

Upgrade your main media system now with a complete, professionally installed 8K entertainment package. You’ve likely seen or read about 8K televisions. Packed with an amazing assortment of advanced imaging technologies, they produce brighter, more vivid, and realistic...

Are 8K TVs Worth It?

There’s been a lot of buzz about 8K TVs. They’re currently the best thing going in terms of picture quality and poised to make an even bigger impact in the very near future—future being the keyword. There’s just not very much 8K video content available to watch—yet....

3 Ways to Smarten Up Your Front Door

Whether you’re trying to make a good first impression or heighten your home security, there’s no better place to focus your attention than on the front door. It’s a prime area for break-ins and the first spot visitors see. It makes sense, then, that manufacturers have...